5 Resume Hacks


Learning how to write a resume is an art. Here are some tips to hack yours.

How Long?

1 page. Seriously. A resume should get you an interview, not depict your life story. Employers want to be able to see what you’ve done at a glance. When someone is screening through hundreds of resumes a day, nobody wants to flip through anything more than a page. Try it yourself, you’ll see what I mean.

Cross Out The Spelling Bee Award

I’ve reviewed a bunch of resumes, and sometimes I get a kick out of the fact people list irrelevant info like they were President of Student Council etc. Come on guys, lets get real, put down experience that actually matters and pertains to the job you are applying for. Leave the life story for a lunch topic once you get the gig.

Font Selection

Using readable fonts will make the world of a difference. Garamound is an example of a nice serif font that is easy to read. It’s so easy that its the font of choice for Harry Potter.

Summarize That Shit

When you’re describing what you did over a summer internship/old job don’t go into excruciating detail. Future employers just want to get a gist of things. Leave out acronyms and company specific terms too, nobody will understand it, including yourself a few years down the line. Keep descriptions to two sentences maximum.

Ready, Aim, Fire

Bullet points are short and sweet. Use them to your advantage to list a bunch of things if you have to. Remember, less is more.

Does your resume still suck? Contact me if you need help. Fratboy out.

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